
Friday, 6 February 2015

3-2-1 Update: Feb 2-6 By: Coen

This week at school was busy.
One thing I learned was how to play Monster Math Munch (MMM).There are four monsters. I was the red monster. The first person that gets the cookie first wins.
Another thing I learned was how to round to the nearest ten. So if you round 55 it goes to 60. And if you are rounding 278 it’s 280.
One last thing I learned was how to do Heart Art in art. The inside of my heart is going to be cool colors, and on the outside warm colors.
One thing I enjoyed was the mini curling tournament. My team played 2 games. The people on my team were Sam, Me, Aidan and Carter W.
I liked it because after our games we got to go inside and watch movies.
Another thing I enjoyed was Hats off to reading! But I forgot to wear a hat! L One person even wore a hockey helmet!
I didn’t enjoy this because I forgot to wear a hat.LLLLLL
My goal for this week is spending more time with my family.

I will do this by playing board games, making stuff, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for contributing to our blog Coen. Great job!!
