3-2-1 update
This week at
school was totally crazy. We had to do lots of stuff. One thing I learned was
some facts of times 7. I totally suck at it I’m not good at high numbers.
One more thing I learned was all about apostrophes. Here are
some examples: ‘I have’ would be ‘I’ve.’ I don’t know how I got so good at
The third thing I have learned this week is convex lens and
concave lens. Convex lenses makes light in the world smaller and concave lens
makes it BIGGER.
One thing I enjoyed was in gym we played curling boys vs.
girls. of course the boys won because we had way more players then the girls.
The second thing I enjoyed was making our French book I have
done one page and the word is comment ca va.
I liked this because it’s fun drawing the pictures and learning how to
spell the words.
My goal is to get way faster at my three two one. It took me
like 30 minutes to finish.
By: Matt