
Friday, 21 February 2014

3-2-1 Update by Matt

3-2-1 update
        This week at school was totally crazy. We had to do lots of stuff. One thing I learned was some facts of times 7. I totally suck at it I’m not good at high numbers.
One more thing I learned was all about apostrophes. Here are some examples: ‘I have’ would be ‘I’ve.’ I don’t know how I got so good at them.
The third thing I have learned this week is convex lens and concave lens. Convex lenses makes light in the world smaller and concave lens makes it BIGGER.
One thing I enjoyed was in gym we played curling boys vs. girls. of course the boys won because we had way more players then the girls.
The second thing I enjoyed was making our French book I have done one page and the word is comment ca va.  I liked this because it’s fun drawing the pictures and learning how to spell the words.
My goal is to get way faster at my three two one. It took me like 30 minutes to finish.

By: Matt

Friday, 14 February 2014

3-2-1 Update Feb 7-14 by Noah

This week at school was awesome! In math, we practiced for are math test. I hope I do well but if I don’t I’ll be sadL. Our math quiz is addition and subtraction which I’m good at both. I love math but a math test is something I don’t love. In science, WE MADE A PERISCOPEJ!!!!! It was super fun to make it! We get to finish decorating it soon. We used mirrors, two milk cartons, tape and paper towels. IT WAS AWESOME to build our periscope. I had sooooo much fun! In art, we did another element of art. We did colour and we made a colour wheel. I couldn’t keep up with Miss Dodds but when I did… she was done, I was tooJ!
Two things I enjoyed were our Valentine’s day  party and gym. In gym, we did some more spongee polo and we did FLOOR HOCKEY!!!!!!! The spongee polo was cool like always, but the floor hockey was AWESOMASING, and the party, the party was awesome! The snacks were awesome! We watched the Olympics. They were cool!
One goal I have is to study for our math test. I hope to meet this goal by this weekend.

By: Noah Martin    

Friday, 7 February 2014

321 Update by Sam

321 weekly update
This week was really busy!
In ELA we did read to self and read to someone I like read to someone best. We also did some more typing our porquoi tales.
In gym we started spongee polo. We also did not do gymnastics because we are finished it.
In math we learned more division. I like division because it is really easy. We also learned more multiplication I like it too because it is really simple.
In science we learned, are clouds translucent or transparent?  We found out that clouds are translucent. It is really fun because you learn lots of stuff and do lots of stuff. 
In French we made some game cards it was really awesome.
In health we learned about more friendship. We also did a really fun hand tangle game and we got untangled 2 times well the boys did.
In other we had no school on Monday and we are going to have a really fun weekend.  We are going to Grand Forks for a whole week! We are going to miss a whole week of school.
My goal my goal is to get really fast at typing
Have a good weekend.
By Sam

Monday, 3 February 2014

It's I Love to Read Month!

February is the official I Love to Read Month!  At BHS, students are encouraged to do as many reading related activities as possible this month.  There is a calendar available in January's newsletter that is printable showing all the activities.  I will link that here: January Newsletter.  Students can complete some of the activities at home, and there are some (in bold) that will take place at school.  As they do each activity, they need an adult's initial to verify.  Happy Reading!!