
Friday, 24 May 2013

T.W.A.S. by Cole

This week at school we had a science test. It was about light. I am pretty sure I got all of it right. It was fun.
In ELA I have been writing my one story. It is called star wars battle of uapa. It is funny and cool.
In math we have been doing division. To be honest with you I'm not really doing well. It is also really hard to do high numbers like 78 and 45. Well, you know.
By Cole      

Thursday, 23 May 2013

I love Instagram by Brooke and Taylor T.

I love Instagram
Never take bad pictures
Stay tuned on Instagram
Take a picture and put it on Instagram
Always is awesome
Grow” is a topic on Instagram
Rocks can be on Instagram
A picture of Oklahoma was put on Instagram after the tornado
Miscellaneous things are put on Instagram  
By Brooke and Taylor T.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Instagram Photo Challenge

 On instagram we do a different theme each day.  Each day has a name beside them. When your name is called you get to take the Ipad and take the picture that your name is on. People are having too much fun on instagram. A lot of schools are doing this challenge. It gets a lot of pictures on the computer. You can look on the computer for more information.
Here is a link to find out more information: eduphotoadaymay
By: Leah     

Friday, 17 May 2013

CBC Manitoba | Falcon Cams

The Falcon Cams are up and running!  Check them out!

CBC Manitoba | Falcon Cams

T.W.A.S. by Haley J.

May 17, 2013
This week at school in ELA we did Instagram writing. We wrote about different topics from the hash tags from Instagram. The topics were Shoes, Rules, Mom and Lunch. We could write a story, an acrostic poem, non- fiction writing, and all about it. I wrote an acrostic poem.

In math we started division. Division is like multiplication and it relates to fractions just like addition is like subtraction. I think that division is pretty easy because I did it last year. In math we also got our fractions test back. I think that I did really well!

In gym we played tag. How we played was first we put on our pinny colour, then when Mrs. Rand said go we would all try to tag someone and if we tagged at the same time then we do rock, paper, scissors. Whoever loses then they have to put on the pinny colour that the person was wearing that tagged us. it was so fun!!!
By Haley J

Friday, 10 May 2013

T.W.A.S. by Braelyn

Twas by Braelyn
 Hey everyone. We were at
. the Winnipeg museum!  We were at the science gallery. Some of us were in the scary mirror thing it's very short in there.
Anyhow we finished watching "The People of the Ice" also for Social Studies. We learned in French about the body parts such as.. Ears, head, hands, teeth, hair and nose. It was super fun!!! 
This week it was like summer!  IT WAS NICE WHEN WE HAD NICE WEATHER I THOUGHT! It was like hugging a baby. Thanks for reading!

The Manitoba Museum by Taylor P.

On May 8th 2013 we went to the Manitoba museum. When we got there we went into a room and put our bags, lunch kits and books in the cubbies. Then we went into the planetarium. It was really cool. In the planetarium we learned about light and interesting facts. We also played with some shadows.
After that we went into another room and did some experiments then we built a kaleidoscope. It was really, really cool. After we made them we were playing with them and goofing around with them we even did some of our own experiments with the kaleidoscope then we left the room.
We went to the science gallery after. It was really cool and fun my favourite part of it was the chair. in the chair what you had to do was sit on a chair and pull yourself up there was easy, medium then hard. I love all of them but the hard one was well HARD!!!! (But fun J) we all had a great time at the Manitoba museum we hope we can go back one or two more times.

by Taylor Purcell.

Friday, 3 May 2013

T.W.A.S. by Andrew

This week at school we had gym. In gym we had a jungle gym; a jungle gym is when you have different activities. Some of the activities were a climbing frame, ropes, doughnut thing, and other cool things. We also played a basketball game.

Next we had science. In science we did this cool drawing that shows you what types of light you can find inside or outside. My drawing was of police chase. Some types of light were; a street lamp, the tail and headlights of the cars, the police sirens, the sunset, and the sunset reflecting off the ocean.

Next we had social studies. In social studies we watched a video called ‘people of the ice’.  The video was about how the Inuit get around, what they eat, how they hunt, and how they make their clothes.

By: Andrew.